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Posts tagged "cancer" (7)

The Low Down on Keto

August 22, 2019 ARTICLES

What is the Ketogenic Diet? The Ketogenic Diet was initially developed and used to treat children suffering from epileptic seizures, with more research indicating the efficacy in those with glioblastomas (a type of brain cancer). It is essentially a high-fat, moderate-protein, and very low-carbohydrate approach. Eating so few carbohydrates (typically under 50g per day) forces the body to use fat from the diet (rather than carbohydrates) as the body’s main source of fue...

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"I am trying to limit my intake of added there an standard accepted amount of daily added sugar that is considered not harmful?"

April 25, 2018 DISCUSSIONS

Q: I am trying to limit my intake of added sugar. So if I am counting sugar grams from the nutritional labels, should I bother counting the sugar grams from fresh fruit? For example, if a half cup of fresh blueberries have 8 grams of sugar, should I include that in my daily log since the sugar is naturally occurring fructose? I know I should avoid all added sugar, but is there an standard accepted amount of daily added sugar that is considered not harmful? Thank you. A: Thank you for reaching ou...

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Q: "My sister-in-law has cancer which unfortunately has spread. Looking for the best diet or macrobiotic diet to tackle cancer."

March 19, 2018 DISCUSSIONS

Thank you for reaching out to The Sage: Nutritious Solutions; we are very sorry to hear about your loved one. 
Cancer is a condition, that, unlike others, have many different ways to treat nutritionally. This is not because many different nutrition guidelines are appropriate, but because each cancer may cause different side effects - especially given the various types of cancer TREATMENT. With that said, you will be able to find any diet on the internet with the claim of benefiting/treat...

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Processed Meats and Cancer Risk: The Research

May 20, 2016 ARTICLES

In 2015, the World Health Organization (WHO) came out with a new statement in regards to processed meats and cancer. It advises people to moderate consumption of processed meat to reduce the risk of cancer. The WHO also classified processed meats as Group 1, meaning they are carcinogenic to humans. This rating may be surprising – Group 1 also includes smoking tobacco—but
according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), this does not mean that they are equally danger...

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I have 2 questions: 1. Is sugar intake linked to cancer? 2. Does gluten cause inflammation in a person without gluten sensitivity- If so, is this linked to cancer?

August 14, 2014 DISCUSSIONS

Thanks for your question - I think this speaks a lot to people who are very worried about “getting cancer” from something in the diet. As with most things, the research can vary place-to-place, food-to-food, etc.  One thing to keep in mind is that there are a variety of catalysts that lead to increased cancer risk. We know most of them (smoking, genetics, excessive alcohol intake, just to name a few), but it is very hard to discern foods - well, because we do not just eat ONE food o...

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Yes, about the 05/29/2014 thyroid cancer questions, you summed up the questions I have: "-My professional opinion on ThyCa’s low iodine recipes pre-RAI -Other dietary adjustments pre and post-thyroidectomy-Healthy BMI as it is associated with pre and post-thyroidectomy." Thanks for answering these three.

June 4, 2014 DISCUSSIONS

Thank you for your question on! As a thyroid cancer survivor myself, I understand the complications associated with the low-iodine diet. As anyone who is going through RAI (radioactive iodine therapy) knows, a low iodine diet is essential to prevent iodine toxicity. After going through the recipes found on the Thyroid Cancer Survivor’s Website, I think they are terrific. Stressing fresh fruits and vegetables, while finding ways around preparing favorite dishes is important to mai...

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Red Wine + Health

May 19, 2014 ARTICLES

Search “Red Wine” and you will get millions of hits on it's potential health benefits. This is because it is as popularly associated with health and wellness as dark chocolate and coffee, regardless of the facts. In spite of the potential health benefits, frequent consumption is still not advised. Red wine has in fact shown to benefit heart health but only in moderation. Red wine has also been a hot topic in possibly decreasing risk for cancer, minimizing neurological ...

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