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Yuca Chips

April 11, 2014

Preparation Time: approximately 5 minutes

Cooking Time: approximately 15 minutes

Serving Size: about 8 pieces (½ cup portion), Serves about 4

1 Slice on the Slice Plan.


1 large piece Cassava (yuca) - about 1-1.5 lbs.

2 cups canola oil (for frying)

2 TB fresh garlic, chopped

1 tsp olive oil

2 TB oregano, fresh, chopped

2 tsp kosher salt


Heat canola oil in large skillet over medium-low heat. Cut yucca into 1/8" slices. Using a thermometer, ensure the oil is 300-350 degrees. Place yucca into oil and fry until both sides are golden brown.

Meanwhile, combine chopped garlic and olive oil. In a small pan, cook over low heat until garlic is golden brown. Remove from heat immediately and set aside.

Toss together cooked yucca, garlic + oil mixture, salt, and oregano.

Turn-out & Storage

Serve hot or at room temperature. Serve on top of a mixed green salad with your favorite protein or alongside Salmon + Teriyaki BBQ, found here:

Cooked yucca can be stored for up to 3 days under refrigeration.

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