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Feel like you could be eating better? Not sure what to change or where to look? Sage Nutritious Solutions make it easy for you to discover the wide, wonderful world of balanced, healthy, bangin' food.

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How do you find the calorie count for a meal you make yourself.

May 29, 2014

A few things come to mind when you start talking about calorie counting:
- Why do you want to count your calories? What is the end result or goal?
- How will it make you feel once you know the amount of calories in something? Most of the time, we want to know how many calories are in something in order to lose weig...

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What are your thoughts on grains? Should we be eating more protein and less carbs? I understand that we need complex carbs, but I am curious to see what your thoughts are on this topic. Books like 'Grain Brain' are confusing to consumers because it's making grains to be the bad guy (of course because of GMO's and the like) and the general recommendation is to have whole grains. Should the general public be consuming fewer grains than what's recommended by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

May 20, 2014

The topic of whether or not to eat grains is a great one to discuss in this type of forum If you read my previous post on “Going Gluten Free,” I do touch on this topic a bit. The mindset behind grain-based carbs is that they are unhealthy for you, should not be consumed because our ancestors did not, and they “make you f...

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Are IgG tests accurate indicators of food intolerance, specifically gluten and casein?

May 18, 2014

Good question! Thanks for asking. So, for those who don't know, IgG is the most important tailor-made antibody in the immune system's defense against invaders - including allergens. It remains long after the initial cause has been suppressed and attempts to prevent another “attack.” When someone is allergic to gluten, for ins...

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What advice do you have for someone with Hashimoto's in terms of dietary changes?

May 15, 2014

Thanks for asking! We love to help. If people do not know what Hashimoto's Disease is, it is a condition where the immune system attacks the thyroid gland, resulting in thyroid gland enlargement/inflammation and hypothyroidism. Because the thyroid is a “conductor,” of sorts, regarding metabolism, energy, body temperature, fer...

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Hi Mr. Cook It, I was wondering if you had a yummy recipe for spaghetti squash. Everyone I know makes it basically like baby food Thanks in advance!

January 29, 2014

Howdy there! Spaghetti Squash is a great arsenal to the kitchen as it is more versatile than most think and it is a great carb-replacer! Check out the post in this week's Sage Feed tab about preparing this delicious vegetable! The link can be found below: Hope this helps! Happy Ea...

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What is gluten

October 1, 2013

Gluten is quite simply a protein found in wheat. It can helps give products made from it elasticity and the ability to rise. The final product usually results in a chewy texture.Gluten is in the news a lot because of it's relationship with celiac disease and gluten intolerances. You probably see a lot of foods in the grocery store marketi...

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What is white whole wheat flour?

October 1, 2013

Great question!This is a commonly confused topic that faces a lot of people who dare enter the newly re-advertised bread isle. Ever since the insurgence of whole grains, bread makers have taken it upon themselves to use as many similarly worded confusing jargon to sell their products. So, let's break this down the fun way… with bul...

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If I eat fruit in the morning for breakfast, what else can I eat to feel more full?

July 29, 2013

Thanks for your question! Fruit is a terrific breakfast idea, so good going! As for accompaniments, you can try several things, check these out: Protein Packed Banana, Pear or Apple + Peanut Butter + Greek Yogurt Fiber Rich Apple + Peanut Butter + Whole Grain Bread Omega 3 Rich Breakfast Fruit + Greek Yogurt + C...

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Hey!! I am in need of the PERFECT Collard greens recipe! Do you have one for me?? Thanks, Desiree

May 7, 2013

You came to the right place! Collards can be a bit tricky to cook, so I have some culinary and nutritional tips for you when making this super-healthy green!Here's a recipe I will be posting in a short while on the site: Preparation Time: approximately 10 minutes Cooking Time: approximately 2 hours...

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Hi would you say that all of these would be healthy to eat while trying to loose weight??

January 9, 2013

Great question. This kind of digs into my philosophy on cooking after nutrition entered my life, but I won't bore you with that too much. I think eating healthfully is enjoying yourself always, and most of the time with fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and whole grains. Sometimes, though, I think it is NECESSARY to indulge in foods that ...

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