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Feel like you could be eating better? Not sure what to change or where to look? Sage Nutritious Solutions make it easy for you to discover the wide, wonderful world of balanced, healthy, bangin' food.

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I have 2 questions: 1. Is sugar intake linked to cancer? 2. Does gluten cause inflammation in a person without gluten sensitivity- If so, is this linked to cancer?

August 14, 2014

Thanks for your question - I think this speaks a lot to people who are very worried about “getting cancer” from something in the diet. As with most things, the research can vary place-to-place, food-to-food, etc.  One thing to keep in mind is that there are a variety of catalysts that lead to increased cancer risk. We know mo...

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Can you explain the benefits of eating yogurt in relation to probiotics, etc. Also, would you recommend eating Greek yogurt over regular yogurt?

July 27, 2014

Great question! With all of the media hype surrounding yogurt, it is always good to go back to basics and remember what the true benefits of probiotics are in the first place.  We have established a symbiotic relationship with the bacteria in our gut since the beginning of human existence. Over time, we have evolved to be dependent on th...

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What is the role of b vitamins in the body?

July 27, 2014

Thanks for your question! While all B vitamins have their own unique functions in the body, B vitamins in general act as a coenzyme. Thiamin, Riboflavin, Niacin, Folate, Biotin, Pantothenic acid, B6, and B12 all act as part of coenzymes - which are small molecules that combine with an enzyme and activate it. Without a coenzyme, the enz...

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Is there a safe way to grill meats and reduce or avoid PAHs?

July 27, 2014

Thanks for your great question!  Before we continue, let's discuss what PAHs are for the general audience. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are chemicals formed when meat from muscle, including beef, pork, fish, and poultry, is cooked using high-temperature, direct-heat methods, such as grilling directly over an open flame. The...

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Can you discuss the differences between mindful eating and intuitive eating?

June 21, 2014

Wow, what an interesting question. I have to say, when I started The-Sage, I never imagined the various types of questions I would get from visitors. But, I am glad you have come to the right place to have your inquiry addressed. So, here goes: While both are nutrition-related philosophies based around becoming more in tune with your body...

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Don't know if my previous question went through, if it did, please disregard this one. I know that I shouldn't be adding anymore sugar to my diet, but I love my coffee sweetened. I see some store products like Blue Agave, Stevia, and Monk Fruit in the store. Are any of these healthier than Sugar, or should I stick with my two packets of sugar?

June 19, 2014

Greetings! Great question. I did not get a previous one, so thanks for resubmitting! Coffee is a way people can sneak in a lot of hidden calories without even counting them, especially when prepared at home (as opposed to a cafe or coffeehouse). With ½ & ½, cream, sugar, etc., one could really tally up the calories! So, ...

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I was wondering what are the nutritional changes in the U.S. over time, and also are their any significant historical events in the fast food industry, or in society, that has had an impact on the industry of fast foods?

June 11, 2014

Your question is a heavily loaded one and unfortunately there is no quick answer.There are some really great books out there that help explain this huge issue in our country. Check out the Literature section of for some recommendations. I recommend starting with “Food Politics” by Marion Nestle! There have bee...

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How is alcohol metabolized?

June 5, 2014

Good Question! As we know, alcohol is an unknown substance by which our body begins to metabolize as soon as it is ingested. This means that your body preferentially metabolizes alcohol over anything else, including food. The thought that food will be digested first and thus, will allow you to “get less drunk” is a myth and re...

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Yes, about the 05/29/2014 thyroid cancer questions, you summed up the questions I have: "-My professional opinion on ThyCa’s low iodine recipes pre-RAI -Other dietary adjustments pre and post-thyroidectomy-Healthy BMI as it is associated with pre and post-thyroidectomy." Thanks for answering these three.

June 4, 2014

Thank you for your question on! As a thyroid cancer survivor myself, I understand the complications associated with the low-iodine diet. As anyone who is going through RAI (radioactive iodine therapy) knows, a low iodine diet is essential to prevent iodine toxicity. After going through the recipes found on the Thyroid Cancer...

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I seem to always get hungry at night when I'm watching tv. I'm trying to lose weight and do well all day. I drink my water and watch my portion but at night I need something to snack on. Home made French fries are my kryptonite. In order to stay away from my French fries I've been eating a small bowl of Sun flower seeds every night. I know it's not good to eat past 8 but is there something I can eat that's night going to make me feel like crap but will keep me busy for a while

May 29, 2014

Thanks for your question! This is a common concern and one that should be addressed. Nighttime snacking is the downfall for most people. The reason it is considered unhealthy is because we usually go for sweets or carbohydrate-laden foods (such as French fries). These foods are usually used for energy throughout the day- but at night, we...

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